Alimony Lawyers in Alpharetta and Atlanta
Alimony, also called spousal support or maintenance, is a payment from one spouse to the other after a divorce. The amount and duration of payments can vary greatly depending on the couple’s circumstances. Family law attorneys can be extremely helpful in a divorce case concerning an alimony agreement under Georgia law.
At Hecht Family Law, we understand that going through a divorce is a difficult and emotional process. We also know that financial considerations are often a major concern for our clients. That’s why we’re committed to helping our clients understand all aspects of the divorce process, including alimony. Our divorce attorneys will work with you to determine if the alimony process is appropriate in your situation and/or how to ensure that you receive or pay a fair amount. Call us today at (470) 291-5342.
What Factors Determine Whether Alimony Will Be Paid?
In Georgia, the courts will consider many factors when determining whether to award alimony spousal support and how much to award. When determining alimony, the factors include:
- The length of the marriage
- The standard of living during the marriage
- Each spouse’s age, health, and earning capacity
- Each spouse’s financial needs and resources
- The couple’s debt and assets
- The contribution of each spouse to the marriage (including homemaking and childrearing)
- The time necessary for each spouse to acquire the education or training necessary to get a job
- The tax consequences of alimony payments
There are two main types of spousal support in Georgia: temporary and permanent.
Temporary Alimony
Temporary alimony is paid during the divorce process. Once the divorce is finalized, temporary alimony payments will stop. This type of alimony is typically used to help a spouse maintain his or her pre-divorce lifestyle until the divorce is final.
Permanent Alimony
Permanent alimony is paid after the divorce is finalized. The payments will continue until either the spouse receiving alimony remarries or one of the spouses dies. Alimony of this type is commonly used to help a spouse keep their quality of life the same after a divorce.
What Can I Do if I Want Alimony?
The process for obtaining alimony can be complicated. First, you will need to file a claim with the court. This will start a legal process in which the court will determine if you are eligible for alimony and how much you should receive. There are many factors that the court will consider when making this decision, so it is important to have an experienced lawyer representing you.
Hecht Family Law has years of experience helping clients obtain alimony payments. We will work with you to understand your situation and to make sure that your case is presented in the best possible light. We know that financial stability is important during and after a divorce settlement, and we will do everything we can to help you secure the support you need.
Child Custody
Child custody is a significant aspect of the divorce process, especially when determining the best interests of the children involved. In Georgia, the court will evaluate various factors, such as the child’s relationship with each parent, the parents’ ability to provide a stable environment, and the child’s preferences if they are of sufficient age and maturity.
Legal custody, which involves decision-making authority, and physical custody, which pertains to where the child lives, are both considered. An experienced Atlanta divorce lawyer can help navigate these complex family law matters to achieve fair resolutions.
Child Support
Child support is essential for ensuring that the financial needs of the children are met following a divorce. Georgia courts calculate child support based on both parents’ income, the number of children, and other relevant factors, such as health care and child care expenses.
The goal is to provide adequate financial support to maintain the child’s standard of living established during the marriage. If you are facing child support issues, consulting with an alimony attorney can help you understand your obligations and rights, ensuring that the support arrangement is fair and equitable for all parties involved.
Is it Possible to Modify My Alimony Payment After the Divorce is Final?
Once a divorce is final, alimony payments are typically set in stone. However, there are some circumstances in which the court may modify an alimony order. If you believe that your circumstances have changed to the point where you can no longer afford to make your current alimony payments, or if you are the recipient of alimony and your former spouse’s financial situation has improved significantly, you may be able to request a modification.
To successfully modify an alimony order, you will need to prove to the court that there has been a “substantial change in circumstance.” This could be a job loss, disability, or anything else that has significantly impacted your ability to pay (or receive) alimony. If you can prove that a substantial change in circumstance has occurred, the court will then consider whether or not a modification is appropriate.
Alimony disputes can arise when one party feels that the terms of the original agreement are no longer fair or feasible. For example, if the paying spouse has lost their job, experienced a significant income reduction, or faced an unforeseen medical issue, they may seek to lower their alimony payments.
On the other hand, if the recipient’s financial situation has improved, they may be required to accept a reduction in alimony.
In either case, it’s important to gather the proper documentation, such as tax returns, medical records, or employment history, to support your claim for modification. The court will carefully assess the evidence to determine whether the change in circumstances warrants an adjustment to the original alimony order.
Why Should I Use an Atlanta Alimony Attorney During My Georgia Divorce?
Divorce can be a complicated legal process. If you don’t have experience with the law, you may not know all of the steps that need to be taken or what documents need to be filed. A lawyer can help ensure that everything is done correctly and promptly.
Even if you are agreeable with your spouse and agree on most issues, there may still be some areas where you disagree. A lawyer can help negotiate a settlement that is fair to both parties.
Finally, a lawyer can help protect your rights. If your spouse tries to take advantage of you or is not being honest about assets or taxable income, a lawyer can help make sure that you are getting what you deserve.
Atlanta Georgia Alimony Lawyer
If you are considering a divorce settlement or have already been served with divorce papers, it is important to speak with an experienced alimony attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can review your situation and advise you of your legal rights and options.
It is also important to have an attorney if your spouse is asking for alimony or if you believe you may be required to pay alimony. Alimony can be a complex issue, and an Atlanta alimony attorney can make sure that you are treated fairly in the divorce. Call Hecht Family Law at (470) 291-5342 for help from a skilled family law lawyer for alimony in Georgia.