Preparing For Your Attorney Consultation
When one or both partners in a marriage decide that the marriage cannot be saved, the most important next step is to seek the advice of an attorney. Whether you are the one seeking the divorce or have just learned that your spouse has met with an attorney or filed for divorce, call Hecht Family Law at (470) 291-5342. Meeting with a competent and compassionate attorney who will patiently explain your rights, explain the process and answer your questions is absolutely essential.
As a single, divorced father of two children, Ed Hecht has been through the same process you are facing. He understands how you are feeling and can relate to all of your concerns, anxiety, and uncertainty about your future and the future of your children.
A divorce is one of the most emotional experiences you will ever go through, and you need someone who will educate you about your rights, your responsibilities, and the current status of divorce today in Georgia (especially in regard to such areas as alimony, custody, child support, division of retirement accounts, etc.).
As soon as the decision is made to divorce, you will find many myths, misconceptions, and rumors floating in the air. While your circle of friends, relatives, and other loved ones may tell you stories about one divorce or another, there are a few things you must remember:
- Every situation is unique, and what happened in someone else’s divorce indicates very little about what will happen in your own divorce.
- Both lawyers in a particular case are operating by the same set of Georgia laws and trying their case in front of the same judge or jury.
- Paying top dollar for an attorney won’t change the facts of the case, and the judges are going to make their decisions using the facts in your case and applying them to the same laws for both sides.
Your first step in the process is to call Hecht Family Law at (470) 291-5342 for a consultation, where we will talk about your situation. Attorney Ed Hecht will explain your rights, responsibilities, legal options, and how the process works.
What To Bring To Your Consultation
When you come in for your consultation, there are some useful documents that will help us make the most efficient use of our time together, as well as help us assess your rights, responsibilities, and legal options. However, do not worry if you don’t have all of these with you; we can gather them later.
- Tax returns for the past three years
- Most recent pay stub(s) from your job(s)
- Information on any other sources of income (such as investments)
- A list of assets in your marriage such as personal property, investment accounts, retirement plans, real estate, etc. (make a list of the items that are solely yours, solely your spouse’s, and items that are jointly owned with your spouse)
- A list of debts such as personal loans, school loans, credit cards, mortgages, car loans, etc.
- A budget showing your living expenses in areas such as food, transportation, entertainment, health, child-related education, daycare, and housing. If you prefer, I can send a budget worksheet to you when we schedule your consultation.
- Any police or medical records that pertain to any allegations of child endangerment, child abuse, neglect, or domestic violence
- Any prenuptial or postnuptial agreements
- A copy of your will, if you have one
- Any health care or financial directives or life insurance policies
- A timeline of events leading up to the current situation
Please call (470) 291-5342, and let’s schedule your consultation!
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